Why Where How does Aloe Vera Work?

Aloe Vera works by providing a rich cocktail of nutritional elements whose combined action and balance produce a more powerful effect together than would be expected from the addition of the individual components. This is because they work as a team, enhancing each other's effect - known as synergism. It also has adaptogenic properties which means that different individuals take from it what they need, therefore the benefits vary from person to person.

Aloe Vera works because of its nutritional qualities and antioxidant properties, helps firstly to prevent injury to epithelial tissues, and when they are damaged, it promotes healing.

Antioxidants fight the destructive 'free radicals', the unstable compounds produced by our metabolism and found in environmental pollutants. They are thought to cause various ailments including some cancers as well as contributing towards the ageing process.

An epithelium is an anatomical term defined as follows
"An epithelium is a layer of cells that covers the body or lines a cavity that connects with it".

Our largest epithelium is our skin but also included are the lining of the gut, the bronchial tubes and genital tract. No wonder that aloe works just as well on damaged skin as it does, say, on an inflamed bowel or in asthma.

Its natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action combined within is nutritional constituents promote cell growth and therefore healing. However, it is not only helpful for people with problems; most people taking it report a greater sense of we;; being - they just feel 'better' or they report feeling calmer and less anxious.

I believe this last comment is due to aloe's effect on their immune system which you may say becomes balanced or fine-tuned and therefore more efficient at defending the body from attack.

(The Facts by Dr. Peter Atherton)


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